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English. 228 pages. Hard Cover. Limited Edition.
This publication is an updated and extended edition of our book Real Colors of WWII released in 2017. It describes the camouflage development and colors of the German, Soviet, US and British army vehicles during WWII.
The team of authors has been expanded: renowned German researcher Johannes Denecke is responsible for the revision of the German chapter. The Soviet and British chapters have also been updated by Przemyslaw Skulski and Mike Starmer, respectively.
Real Colors of WWII Armor has a total of 228 pages and is profusely illustrated with 244 archive photos (inc. 54 in original color), 50 modern photographs of preserved artifacts, numerous color chips, several reproductions of original color samples, camouflage drawings and other documents, and 43 colour profiles of which more than half has been specially commissioned for this edition. This is the new definitive guide on the WWII AFV colors for the modellers, wargamers and armchair historians.
The manufacturer of the product has decided to stop manufacturing it, so once the last units are gone, it won't be available again. If you want the product, take the chance while supplies last.