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Ogre Shooters Horde 2022
  • Ogre Shooters Horde 2022
  • Ogre Shooters Horde 2022
  • Ogre Shooters Horde 2022
  • Ogre Shooters Horde 2022

Ogre Shooters Horde 2022


40,00 €
Impuestos incluidos
Producto descatalogado.
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Ogres enjoy the hurly burly of close-quarter fighting a lot, but they are cunning hunters, too, and for a proportion of them missile weapons hold an undeniable draw. Prosaically called Shooters (the ogre language is blunt and to the point), these ogres spend their mercenary days providing ranged support for their paymasters, although the crossbows the ogres carry are so large that ‘artillery support’ is probably a more apposite phrase.

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